With the DOM version in hand, I use XPath queries to get any tag on the page where the vevent class occurs, and I pass those nodes on to parse_event. 得到了DOM版本后,我使用XPath查询来获得出现vevent类的页面上的所有标记,并将那些节点传递给parseevent。
You'll find only the START_TAG and TEXT event types, which correspond with element start tags and element text nodes. 您只会看到STARTTAG与TEXT事件类型,它们分别对应于元素开始标签与元素文本节点。
To break out the data from each event tag, the parse_event classes use more XPath queries to extract the data. 为了获得各事件标记中的数据,parseevent类使用了更多的XPath查询来提取这些数据。
Within the events tag is a series of event tags, within which are multiple game tags. 在events标记内,是一系列的event标记,在这些标记中有多个game标记。
This application implements only one event handler, startElement(), which the parser calls when it encounters a start tag. 该应用程序仅实现一个事件处理器startElement(),语法分析器在遇到开始标记时调用它。
It generates two events for each price-quote element: one event for the opening tag and one event for the closing tag. 它为每个price-quote元素生成两个事件:一个开始标记事件和一个结束标记事件。
The server will: suspend the connection until an event occurs, send the script content back to the browser, and then reopen another script tag to get the next events. 服务器端则会:挂起连接直到有事件发生,接着把脚本内容发送回浏览器,然后重新打开另一个script标签来获取下一个事件。
The event attribute specifies which event the tag should listen for. event属性指定标记应该侦听哪个事件。
The next event indicates the closing tag for the product element. 下一个事件指出product元素的结束标记。
It can be made to start based on an event such as onClick by setting the animator tag's start attribute to false and calling the doStart method on the animator object. 另外,还可以使动画根据某个事件,例如onClick来开始,方法是将animator标记的start属性设为false,然后调用animator对象的doStart方法。
Another approach is to write a method nested in the tag declaration of an object and assign the event handler to the event attribute of that method. 另一种方法是编写一个方法,将该方法嵌入在对象的标记声明中,并将事件处理程序赋给那个方法的event属性。
The only downside is you'll need to run this method on your page's onLoad event, on the body tag. 惟一的缺点是您需要在页面的body的onLoad事件上运行此方法。
In a endElement() event, it would return the line of the end tag. 在endElement()事件中,它将返回结束标记所在的行。
Specify the event binding in the opening tag of the server control with an attribute and value. 只要用属性和值在服务器控件的开始标记中指定事件绑定即可。
This event gives you an opportunity to change the smart tag caption based on context. 此事件为您提供了基于上下文更改智能标记标题的机会。
Event is raised when the user selects the title of the action in the smart tag menu. 事件在用户在智能标记菜单中选择操作的标题时引发。